The time after the holidays can be rough. You’ve experienced the warm and coziness of Christmas. Your family was (or wasn’t) around. The bills start coming in from all those wonderful presents you bought.
And you likely put on a few pounds indulging in all the chocolate-y goodness everywhere.
And now you’re sitting at work wondering how time has passed so quickly and pretty sure you don’t know what you want in life and that even if you did you definitely aren’t there.
I know I’ve had these doldrums last well into the new year. Which is pretty sad, if you ask me. Because the new year and the entry of spring is something that could be celebrated.
You could spend the last few months of winter getting ready for spring. Instead you (myself included in years past) sit around feeling depressed that the previous year ended on a low.
That is never more relevant than the year I’m writing this…2020.
So what can be done about it?

Snapping Out of Post-Holiday Blues
Honestly, there are several ways to try snapping out of the holidays blues. Personally, I think Suzanne Kane offers some solid advice in her post about this very topic.
You might try a new regimen, some intentional living, or even a Marie Kondo style clean-up.
But I’m going to focus on one particular option for beating winter depression.
New Years Resolutions.
Yes, they can be trite, but stick with me a second.
Think back to the resolutions you’ve made in the past.
Are the achievable?
Will they make an impact on your life?
Is it something you really want to do and not something you feel like you SHOULD do?
Will it make you happy?
I’m going to guess that the answer to most – or at least one -of these questions is “No.”
So then what is the purpose? You likely won’t follow through for more than a week. You’ll become disolussioned and stop trying. And then you’ll stop making resolutions all-together.
I know this from personal experience. I haven’t made a resolution is SEVERAL years.
They’re pointless, right?
Well maybe not.
Resolutions give you something to look forward to
Let’s just pretend for a second that you’re down and out. You’re feeling bad about your life and yourself.
This year you decide to come up with a reasonable resolution. If definitely answers ‘yes’ to all the questions above. (Achievable, Impactful, Want to do, Make you happy)
All of the sudden, you have something to look forward to. You have a reason to get up in the morning and to get your day started. You look forward to going to work because the sooner that is over the sooner you can get to your goals.
It might not be instant. And it might not be every day. Honestly, it might even be a lot of work and take some dedication from you.
But that sense of accomplishment is the most amazing feeling. Especially when it’s helping to pull you out of a rut.

Make sure to pick a good resolution
If you are using resolutions to pull you out of winter blues, you can’t just pick a resolution while enjoying a few cocktails on New Year’s Eve.
We’ve already talked about a few questions you can run your ideas through to make sure you’re being reasonable.
But I also want to add that it should be something that gets your brain and soul moving. Don’t shoot too high (completing 4 marathons when you’re not physically active now) or too low (cooking dinner once all year).
You know your limits and only you can decide what those are.
If all else fails, find someone you trust to bounce ideas off. Don’t let them discourage you, but a trusted friend or family member could probably tell you if you’re super ‘off course’.

Have fun with it
The whole point of using resolutions to get you out of a funk is to expand your horizons and give you something to look forward to.
Don’t look at this as a burden. If you have a bad attitude about it I can guarantee that it and you will not be successful.
Find a way to have fun with it. Even if it is hard work!
If your goal is to lose weight, find a friend to go along with you and take walks with.
If you want to read a book a quarter, find a book club that fits your needs and talk with them about it.
Whatever your resolution is, find a way to make it fun.
Bringing it all together
We all know post-Christmas can be hard.
But it doesn’t have to drag you down with it!
If you’re smart in your thinking and make the time to pick the right resolution, you can truly make a difference in your life and get past the ‘seasonal affective disorder’ (SAD).
It doesn’t even have to be something big or expensive. As a matter of fact, it SHOULDN’T be something big or expensive.
Start small and start doable. Then as you get better and better through the years at following through, you can set bigger resolutions.
In the meantime, know that you aren’t alone in your down-ness and it IS possible to get past it.
I’d love to hear your resolutions for the year end. Tell me in the comments below!
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